Story Of Our Lives
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Story Of Our Lives

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 Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you

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2 participants
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Jenna Lightner

Jenna Lightner

Messages : 305
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 16 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 16 EmptyLun 30 Mai - 19:51

Jenna rougit.

- Tu penses ?
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Jack Barakat

Jack Barakat

Messages : 388
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 16 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 16 EmptyLun 30 Mai - 19:54

Jack sourit.

" Oui... Moi je t'aime Jen :3 "
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Jenna Lightner

Jenna Lightner

Messages : 305
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 16 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 16 EmptyLun 30 Mai - 19:58

Jenna baissa la tête.

- Oui mais l'amour le vrai, même lui il dur pas longtemps..
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Jack Barakat

Jack Barakat

Messages : 388
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 16 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 16 EmptyLun 30 Mai - 20:01

Jack prit sa main dans la sienne.

" Hey Jen... Je suis là. Pour l'instant, aussi longtemps que je le pourrai. Je ne te promets pas d'être là jusqu'à la fin de ta vie, mais je serai là le plus longtemps possible pour prendre soin de toi. "
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Jenna Lightner

Jenna Lightner

Messages : 305
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 16 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 16 EmptyLun 30 Mai - 20:38

Jenna eut les larmes aux yeux.

- Oui mais après t'avoir aimer toi je ne peux pas en aimer un autre..
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Jack Barakat

Jack Barakat

Messages : 388
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 16 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 16 EmptyLun 30 Mai - 20:42

Jack essuya ses larmes de sa main libre.

" Alors n'aime personne d'autre que moi.. "
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Jenna Lightner

Jenna Lightner

Messages : 305
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 16 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 16 EmptyLun 30 Mai - 20:44

Jenna baissa la tête.

- Mais tu es entouré de filles merveilleuses..
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Jack Barakat

Jack Barakat

Messages : 388
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 16 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 16 EmptyLun 30 Mai - 20:51

Jack la regarda.

" Pourtant je n'en aime qu'une.. "
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Jenna Lightner

Jenna Lightner

Messages : 305
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 16 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 16 EmptyLun 30 Mai - 20:52

Jenna rougit.

- Je n'ai aimé qu'un seul garçon dans ma vie &c'est toi..
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Jack Barakat

Jack Barakat

Messages : 388
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 16 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 16 EmptyLun 30 Mai - 20:53

Jack sourit et il la serra contre lui.

" Je t'aime Jenna "
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Jenna Lightner

Jenna Lightner

Messages : 305
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 16 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 16 EmptyLun 30 Mai - 20:54

Jenna se blottit dans ses bras &ferma les yeux en soupirant d'aise.
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Jack Barakat

Jack Barakat

Messages : 388
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 16 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 16 EmptyLun 30 Mai - 20:58

Jack sourit et il caressa son visage.

" Dors ma belle.. "
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Jenna Lightner

Jenna Lightner

Messages : 305
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 16 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 16 EmptyLun 30 Mai - 21:01

Jenna sourit doucement.

- Merci mon Jacky chan <3
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Jack Barakat

Jack Barakat

Messages : 388
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 16 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 16 EmptyLun 30 Mai - 21:02

Jack sourit et il l'embrassa sur le front et il lui murmura qu'il l'aimait au creux de l'oreille.
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Jenna Lightner

Jenna Lightner

Messages : 305
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 16 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 16 EmptyMar 31 Mai - 20:44

Jenna sourit doucement &s'endormit dans ses bras..
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Jack Barakat

Jack Barakat

Messages : 388
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 16 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 16 EmptyMar 31 Mai - 21:29

Jack sourit et il admira Jenna en train de dormir, tout en la serrant dans ses bras.
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Jenna Lightner

Jenna Lightner

Messages : 305
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 16 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 16 EmptyMer 1 Juin - 15:19

Jenna était contre lui &lui bava dessus xD
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Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 16 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 16 Empty

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Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you
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Story Of Our Lives :: Les Rues :: Thames Street :: Maison de Jack Barakat-
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