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Story Of Our Lives

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 Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you

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2 participants
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Jenna Lightner

Jenna Lightner

Messages : 305
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 EmptyMer 25 Mai - 23:01

Jenna rit.

- En plus ta veste était trop grande Surprised
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Jack Barakat

Jack Barakat

Messages : 388
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 EmptyMer 25 Mai - 23:04

Jack rit.

" D'autres critiques à faire ? "
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Jenna Lightner

Jenna Lightner

Messages : 305
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 EmptyMer 25 Mai - 23:18

Jenna rit.

- Du Blanc Jack merde !
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Jack Barakat

Jack Barakat

Messages : 388
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 EmptyMer 25 Mai - 23:20

Jack rit.

" T'as quelque chose contre le blanc ? "
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Jenna Lightner

Jenna Lightner

Messages : 305
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 EmptyMer 25 Mai - 23:24

Jenna rit.

- Quand on va à un bal on met un costume noir non ?
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Jack Barakat

Jack Barakat

Messages : 388
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 EmptyMer 25 Mai - 23:28

Jack sourit.

" Bon d'accord le prochain bal je viens en noir "
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Jenna Lightner

Jenna Lightner

Messages : 305
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 EmptyMer 25 Mai - 23:34

Jenna rit.

- Y en a plus Jack on est diplômés !
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Jack Barakat

Jack Barakat

Messages : 388
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 EmptyMer 25 Mai - 23:35

Jack rit.

" La prochaine fête alors ? "
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Jenna Lightner

Jenna Lightner

Messages : 305
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 EmptyMer 25 Mai - 23:41

Jenna rit.

- Non plus de Jack en costume Surprised
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Jack Barakat

Jack Barakat

Messages : 388
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 EmptyMer 25 Mai - 23:41

Jack rit.

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Jenna Lightner

Jenna Lightner

Messages : 305
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 EmptyMer 25 Mai - 23:44

Jenna fit un sourire coquin.

- Que pour moi (a)!
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Jack Barakat

Jack Barakat

Messages : 388
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 EmptyMer 25 Mai - 23:48

Jack sourit.

" mmh ouais profite, je le suis entièrement là ! "
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Jenna Lightner

Jenna Lightner

Messages : 305
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 EmptyMer 25 Mai - 23:49

Jenna lui fit un grand sourire coquin.

- Mais j'oserai pas faire quelque chose Embarassed
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Jack Barakat

Jack Barakat

Messages : 388
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 EmptyMer 25 Mai - 23:54

Jack sourit et il lui fit un bisou.

" Je n'attends rien "
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Jenna Lightner

Jenna Lightner

Messages : 305
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 EmptyJeu 26 Mai - 0:03

Jenna rougit.

- Non Jack, je veux dire; je n'oserai pas te faire du bien..
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Jack Barakat

Jack Barakat

Messages : 388
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 EmptyJeu 26 Mai - 0:04

Jack la regarda.

" Tu m'en as déjà fait... Pourquoi tu n'oserais pas ? "
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Jenna Lightner

Jenna Lightner

Messages : 305
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 EmptyJeu 26 Mai - 0:05

Jenna soupira.

- C'est.. Gênant de faire l'amour avec toi !
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Jack Barakat

Jack Barakat

Messages : 388
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 EmptyJeu 26 Mai - 0:06

Jack la regarda et ne s'attendait pas à ça.

" Tu n'as pas à être gênée, tu me combles totalement Jen "
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Jenna Lightner

Jenna Lightner

Messages : 305
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 EmptyJeu 26 Mai - 0:08

Jenna baissa la tête.

- Je n'en suis pas si sûre.. Si tu ne me trouves pas attirante je t'en supplie dis le moi..
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Jack Barakat

Jack Barakat

Messages : 388
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 EmptyJeu 26 Mai - 0:10

Jack la trouvait adorable de douter ainsi alors qu'elle n'avait pas de quoi avoir honte. Il se sentit sourire et releva sa tête en la regardant dans les yeux.

" Jenna, tu es attirante, et tu l'es encore plus que la première fois que je t'ai vue... et je te trouvais déjà belle ce jour-là ! Ne doute pas Jen, s'il y a une chose dont je suis sûr, c'est que tu ne cesses pas de me rendre fou.. "
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Jenna Lightner

Jenna Lightner

Messages : 305
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 EmptyJeu 26 Mai - 0:11

Jenna devint toute rouge, elle l'admira silencieuse.

- Comment tu as fais pour sortir avec moi c'était un pari bidon avec Alex non ?
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Jack Barakat

Jack Barakat

Messages : 388
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 EmptyJeu 26 Mai - 0:13

Jack rit.

" Non, on ne fait pas de pari quand il s'agit de sentiments.. "
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Jenna Lightner

Jenna Lightner

Messages : 305
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 EmptyJeu 26 Mai - 0:13

Jenna rit.

- Non sérieusement, à ta place j'aurai choisi une autre fille Surprised
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Jack Barakat

Jack Barakat

Messages : 388
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 EmptyJeu 26 Mai - 0:16

Jack sourit.

" Je n'ai pas choisi... Je crois que ça s'est fait tout seul.. "
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Jenna Lightner

Jenna Lightner

Messages : 305
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2011
Age : 36

Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 EmptyJeu 26 Mai - 0:17

Jenna sourit.

- Tu veux dire naturellement ? Tu sais Lisa elle me gavait avec son Alex & rêvait de me caser avec le meilleur ami de son Alex..
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Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you   Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you - Page 10 Empty

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Right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you
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